Managed Cyber Security

by Ben Brown | 06/09/2022

Ronin-pentest – Managed Cyber Security

Ronin's Managed Cyber Security Plans: Keeping Your Business Safe and Secure

As a small business owner, you have a lot on your plate. You're responsible for marketing your business, generating leads, closing sales, and providing great customer service. There’s a lot to do, and it can be tough to find the time to focus on another important aspect of your business - cyber security. Small businesses are a huge target for cybercriminals. Why? Because they often don't have the same level of security as larger businesses. This puts them at risk of data breaches, ransomware attacks, and more. At Ronin, we understand that you're busy and that you may not have the time or resources to keep up with the latest threats. That's why we offer tailored managed cyber security plans that take the hassle out of staying safe online. Ensure you are covered for all your cyber security scanning ... because if you don't get to it, the hacker will!

Fully managed cyber security plans.

You're busy, we get it. So, sit back and let us take over the reins. We'll ensure your systems are scanned and your vulnerabilities are reported. Hackers never sleep and, with every new app update, system change and new user, you're more at risk. Staying on top of your cyber security is critical and every good cyber strategy begins with a [cyber security policy] ( and regular vulnerability scanning.

Our tailored managed cyber security plans will meet your specific needs and protect your business from hackers. We'll evaluate and assess your business' infrastructure as many times as needed and make sure that you are protected from hackers at all times!

Pentest + Small Business Plans

Every system needs regular checks, but not every business needs a weekly check. With that in mind, our annual plans are built around how many scans your business may need in a year. Our team will manage the work, ensuring the scans are done and our affordable plans will ensure your cash flow isn’t impacted. All of our managed cyber security plans include: a scoping meeting, manual verification of issues, and a result presentation meeting.

One Time - No Commitment Plan Scans include: OSINT (1 domain name), Web Application Scan (1 URL), External Infrastructure (up to 15 IP addresses). This plan is ideal for getting an overview of your environment

6 Monthly - Managed Plan (3 Scans) Scans include:

Quarterly - Managed Service Plan (5 Scans) Scans include:

Monthly - Managed Service Plans (13 Scans) Scans include:

Ronin-Pentest - There for all your Cyber Security Testing

As the world moves inexorably to online, the risks associated with doing business increase. Small businesses are especially vulnerable to attack, as they often lack the resources and expertise to properly protect themselves.

We’re bringing cyber-security to business owners who know that security is an issue they should be considering but don’t know what to do about it. By combining our knowledge of the ‘hackers’ mindset together with an understanding of how large security consultancies operate, we are able to provide a fully hands-free service.

Don't take chances when it comes to your confidential data - make sure your business is safe and secure with (Ronin) [/about]! For more information on our managed cyber security plans and other services please (click here) [/services].

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Start scanning your projects for free. You will get a free breakdown of your security status. Start securing your future now.

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